Jul 26, 2015
Today it seems that there is more confusion than ever as to what Christian's truly stand for and care most about. The world seems to be getting mixed messages. In the last section of Jesus' high preistly prayer, he prays for all believers down through the ages. The theme of this prayer is unity or 'oneness'....
Jul 19, 2015
When it comes to our relationship with God, its far to easy to over focus on what God wants FROM us, over and above, what he wants FOR us. In John 17, Jesus continues his high preistly prayer, now turning his thoughts towards the disciples. We cant help but recieve this prayer for ourselves, seeing more than...
Jul 12, 2015
John 17 has been called the "Holy of Holies" of sacred scripture. On the night of his betrayal, Jesus prays to the Father in front of the disciples. In reading this prayer, we are invited in to the inner sanctum of the mind of Christ, and the very heart of the Father. Jesus begins the prayer, by praying for glory....
Jul 5, 2015
In John 16:16-33, Jesus finishes his upper room discourse with the disciples. At the moment of Jesus darkest hour he centers on the theme of joy. This tells us a lot about how joy works in the Christian life, and in particular, how it relates to sorrow. Sorrow and sadness are a real part of our world, and our every...