Mar 26, 2017
What is your attitude to the sin and evil around you? Is it contempt? Is it complacency? For Christian's, this can be a struggle. Far too often our posture towards the world betrays our purpose in the world. What attitude does God want his people to have? The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the more...
Mar 20, 2017
Do you need encouragement? In what area of your life could you really use some encouragement? For Abraham, it was in a very difficult and vulnerable place in his life, having a child. It had been 23 years since God made all of his promises to Abraham, and he had yet to see any of it. What happens when God appears to...
Mar 12, 2017
One of the hardest times to trust God is in times of waiting. It's one thing to trust His promises, it's another thing to trust His plan along the way. Far too often we take matters into our own hands and this usually ends poorly. This is the situation in Genesis 16. Sarai and Abram deviate from God's plan and...
Mar 6, 2017
What makes us right with God? How can we know for certain that we are right with God? Genesis 15 is one of the most important chapters in the bible. In the covenant God ratifies with Abram, we see a glimpse into God's ultimate plan for salvation, the gospel. What is the impact of this covenant? What should it produce in...