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Jul 29, 2018

Everyone has a broken heart and it impacts all of life. This was not God's original design for us and the biblical ideal for humanity is that we would be restored to wholeness. What does it look like to have a whole and healthy heart, spiritually? How do we achieve this? Psalm 9 is all bout living and worshiping with...

Jul 22, 2018

Psalm 8 was the first biblical text to reach the moon. When U.S. Astronauts first landed on the moon in Apollo 11 they left a disc with messages from seventy three countries. Psalm 8 was one of them. This Psalm is short but packs a powerful message. In it we discover the importance of worshiping God and seeing Him for...

Jul 17, 2018

"I was wrong." These are perhaps the three hardest words to say in the english language. They seem to be harder and harder to say today. We live in a time where it's very rare for people to admit their wrong. Why does repentance, admitting wrong matter? Why does it matter for our relationship with God? Why does it...

Jul 9, 2018

Trouble is a part of life. Jesus said, "in this world we would have trouble", and that each day has "enough trouble of its own." What do we do in times of trouble? When we are overwhelmed, afraid, and unsure of how to proceed? Psalm 5 shows us the power of prayer in times of trouble. This sermon explores how we too can...

Jul 1, 2018

In one sense fear keeps us alive. If left unchecked, it can take life from us and prevent us from walking in God's best for our lives. What happens when we are debilitated by fear? How do we overcome it? Psalm 3 records David's very real experience with fear and anxiety and how with God's help he is not only able to...