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Sep 30, 2019

The Christian life is difficult but it's not without immense joy. It's a sacrifice but the reward far outweighs the cost. The joint parables of the hidden treasure and pearl of great price convey this message. What do the short but meaningful stories tell us about the Kingdom of God? How might we wake up to this...

Sep 24, 2019

In this stewardship update Craig Nishizaki, an elder at CCC gives un update on where we are at financially. We have a lot to be grateful for!

Sep 23, 2019

Why is there evil in the world? Why is there sometimes evil in the church? What are we to do about it? The parable of the weeds speaks to what CS Lewis called the "roughness and density" of life. Life in God's kingdom is not without opposition. It's not without hypocrisy. How do we understand this reality, how do we...

Sep 15, 2019

Why is it that some people seem to grow in faith and others get stuck? Why do some people seem to really respond to the gospel while for others it falls on deaf ears? How do we explain the struggle every believer faces with staying focused on Jesus, his word, and his Kingdom? The Parable of the Sower is one of the...

Sep 8, 2019

What does it mean for the church to be on mission? How does the church get off mission? This sermon unpacks a moment in the life of Jesus and his disciples when he first gives them authority to carry out his mission on earth. This sermon was also given on Vision Sunday and the 5 year anniversary of Central...