Apr 16, 2019
Where is home for you? Where are you from? Our home or sense of home shapes a lot of who we are. In John 15, Jesus makes both a radical statement and invitation to his disciples. He calls himself the true vine, and he invites his disciples as branches to make their ultimate home in him, to abide in him. The result is...
Apr 7, 2019
On the last night of his life, Jesus went to great lengths to explain to his disciples that he was sending the Holy Spirit to them after he left the earth. The Holy Spirit is perhaps the greatest gift of the triune God. Do we understand this gift? Do we understand the implications of what God intends to accomplish...
Apr 1, 2019
Some of the most famous word's Jesus ever said are recorded in John 14:6 - “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." What a lot of people don't know is the context of these words. On the last night of his life Jesus is trying to comfort the troubled hearts of his...
Mar 25, 2019
Christian community isn't easy. At times, it can be one of the most challenging aspects of the faith, and yet, how we treat one another matters immensely to Jesus. On the last night of Jesus' life he gave his disciples a new command. This command has defined Christian community from that point forward. What is this...
Mar 17, 2019
The washing of the disciples feet was significant for a number of reasons. First it illustrated the atoning work of Jesus death on the cross, the washing away of sin. Second, it set for all of Jesus' followers and example of servanthood. What is true Christian service? What isn't it? What is the purpose of it, and why...