Feb 19, 2018
What are you serious about? What do you pay close attention to? In Ephesians 5 Paul tells us to be serious about how we live. This is true for God's people as well. Our living needs to match our believing. This sermon outlines the values of Central Community Church and why it matters that our culture lines up with...
Feb 11, 2018
The mission of God is to reach all nations and all the families of the earth. This plan began with Abraham and is fulfilled in Christ and now His church. What does it mean for us to reach the nations? In a world of increasing nationalism and isolationism, how do we remain true to the global and diverse call of God on...
Feb 4, 2018
Jesus commanded his disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations". This is known as the Great Commission. What does it mean to make disciples? How does this work in the context of the local church? This sermon discusses the all important subject of discipleship and how multiplying disciples is the primary way...
Jan 28, 2018
Love is the world's greatest influence. It also ought to be the defining characteristic of God's people. The church ought to always be influential in the world, the question is, how does that influence take place? Ephesians 5:1 tells us that we are to be imitators of God in his love as his children. What does it...
Jan 21, 2018
One of the most difficult things in life is keeping the main thing the main thing. This is especially true in our relationship with God. Far too often we can become consumed by what we do FOR God, and forget that our first duty is to delight IN God. What does it mean to enjoy Jesus? Why does this matter to the life of...