Jun 28, 2015
One of the unique jobs of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian is to continually guide them back to the truth of Christ. In the midst of a chaotic and ever-changing world, this work is needed today as much as it was needed in the 1st century. It's easy to place our hope in many other things than the solid ground...
Jun 21, 2015
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in the world today? When it comes to convincing the world of the truth of Jesus, what is the church's job, and what is the Holy Spirit's job? These questions are answered in today's message. The answer was timely for the disciples in the 1st century and it is still timely today....
Jun 14, 2015
What does it mean to be a friend of Jesus? What does this friendship look like? What is the purpose of this friendship and how does it affect our relationship with the world? In this weeks text, Jesus promotes his disciples from servant to friend. It's an incredible privelege but it also comes with a price....
Jun 7, 2015
On the way to the Garden of Getshemane, Jesus gives his disciples a picture of who they are to be in the world and how an ongoing relationship with him will make it possible. The picture is of a fruitful vine. How does God bring about his goodness in and through our lives? This week's text answers that question....