Aug 31, 2015
This week John records Jesus' crucifixion. What makes John's account so special is that he was probably the only one of the disciples who was an eyewitness of the event. For John, this was personal. Personalizing the death of Jesus is critical for the Christian faith, like a gift it is something we must personally...
Aug 24, 2015
Choosing expediency over principal is a common problem in our lives. Sometimes the decision is harmless, often times, and over time, this decision can prove to be fatal. This was Pilate's struggle as well, he preferred expediency over principal. Though Pilate knew without a doubt that Jesus was innocent, he couldn't...
Aug 17, 2015
This week we observe the contrast between Pilate and Jesus. In our text the two intersect as Pilate is trying to climb the ladder of wordly power, while Jesus is descending the ladder of wordly power. In the end, one holds fast to truth, while the other compromises. What happens in our own lives when truth...
Aug 9, 2015
In today's text we see a dramatic contrast between Jesus and Peter. While Jesus faces his questioners, denying nothing, Peter faces his questioners and denies everything. Peter's denial has served as a strong reminder that anyone can fall in to temptation when they least expect it and find themselves in places they...
Aug 2, 2015
One of the biggest mistakes we make as Christians is to allow the grace of God to save us without allowing it to sustain us. The cross of Christ was never meant to be a springboard into the Christian life. Quite the opposite, it is where Christians are to remain. The cross, as Paul says is "the power of God." This...