Jul 10, 2016
How do we know we have heard the sermon on the mount correctly? How do we know the goal of Jesus words have been accomplished in our lives, in our community? Jesus leaves no room to guess in the conclusion of his sermon. He gives a short parable of what it looks like to hear and do what he says, versus hearing and...
Jul 3, 2016
If God were to ask you, “Why should I let you into My Heaven?” What would you say? The answer to this question says a lot about where a person has placed their confidence in this life and in the life to come. How does one get right with God? In today's passage Jesus warns against the most dangerous deceptions of...
Jun 26, 2016
Jesus is calling his disciples to the follow him on the narrow path that leads to life. Though this path is hard in a sense, it is well worth it in the end. One of the dangers on this path is the presence of "false prophets", people who appear to represent God and the truth of Jesus but in the end are...
Jun 19, 2016
"When you come to the fork in the road, take it" -Yogi Berra
In today's text, Jesus brings his listeners to the ultimate fork in the road of life. The choice between the narrow and hard path that leads to life, and the wide and easy path that leads to destruction. Leaving everyone with an inescapable choice. What is...
Jun 12, 2016
Do you have difficulty loving people? Christian's know they ought to love people, but "how" to love is often the more difficult question. There are many ways to answer this, but the most simple and concise answer is found in the Golden Rule. What is the Golden Rule? Why is it so special? How might this rule affect...