Jun 26, 2017
This message is a stand alone message by Pastor Dave Evanger from Sideris Church in Seattle. Dave unpacks the biblical idea of loving our neighbor. What does it look like to do this? What does it look like to love our neighbor with the proper motives?
Jun 19, 2017
In Genesis 33 Jacob takes an incredible risk in following God, he reconciles with his brother Esau. After 20 years of being apart this is the final event in Jacob's life before re-entering the promise land. Everyone understands the challenge of strained and difficult relationships, especially with family. Reconciliation...
Jun 11, 2017
Sometimes a relationship with God is described as a walk, other times it can be more aptly described as a wrestling match. The most dramatic and transformative event in the life of Jacob was the night he wrestled with God. Martin Luther considered this text the most "obscure passage in the Old Testament."...
Jun 5, 2017
Genesis 31 records the story of Jacob and his family leaving Laban his overbearing and unjust Father-in-law. After 20 years, Jacob is able to break free from this man. In many ways this is a story of overcoming evil. In an increasing hostile world, what does it look like for us to "not be overcome by evil, but overcome...