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Oct 28, 2019

One of the most well known parables is the Parable of the Good Samaritan. It has deeply shaped modern society and how we treat others. At the same time, the message in this parable couldn't be more relevant to the issues we face today. Fostering biases and drawing boundaries around who we choose to love and serve has...

Oct 21, 2019

The Kingdom of God throughout the entirety of scripture is likened to a banquet put on by a generous host. Jesus has come to open the door to this eternal banquet. The key question is, who is invited? In this weeks sermon we unpack Jesus' well known parable of the Great Banquet. This parable encourages and challenges...

Oct 14, 2019

What makes Christianity unique? The simplest answer is this: Grace. Grace is what sets apart Jesus from any other world view or world religion. What is this grace? How does a person comprehend it? The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most famous stories ever told. While it is a well known story it is also...

Oct 7, 2019

The parable of the "mustard seed and leaven" speak of the unique way God works in the world. It is often through the seemingly insignificant that God is doing his most profound work. We see this throughout the Old Testament and especially in the life and death of Jesus Christ. How do these parables help us reorient our...