Mar 3, 2019
The book of Ruth is all about God's ability to redeem a broken life, a broken family, and even a broken nation. The end of the book closes with one final act of God's love and kindness towards Naomi, through Ruth he gifts her a son. This son means so much to Naomi, and it carry's with it an even deeper meaning for the...
Feb 26, 2019
Redemption is the central theme of the Bible. Redemption is what Jesus is known for. What is biblical redemption? What difference does it make in our lives and our relationships? The book of Ruth illustrates redemption in the most beautiful of ways. Chapter 4 is the climactic moment of the story where Boaz redeems Ruth....
Feb 17, 2019
How does a love for God directly impact our love for others? Augustine, the famous 4th century theologian saw virtue as rightly ordered love. When a person gives their ultimate love to God it will directly benefit the love they are able to give to others. Chapter 3 of the book of Ruth is the climactic turning point in...
Feb 3, 2019
The book of Ruth is a story of redemption, God's redemption. Often when people think of God's activity in the world, they think only of big moments or dramatic intervention. In chapter 2 of Ruth we see God's redemption happen in the smallest of details, decisions, interactions, and conversations. These are...
Jan 27, 2019
How do you handle pain? How do you handle sorrow? In this life pain is inevitable. Therefore how we handle it is one of the most important subjects one can consider. In this week's text, Ruth and Naomi return to Bethlehem. While this return is the beginning of their redemption, it is also a moment filled with lament....