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May 27, 2019

What is the Christian's relationship to the law? What does obedience look like now that a person is saved by grace and not by works? Why do believers still struggle with sin? Romans 7 shows that a follower of Christ is released from living under the law while at the same time now seeking to loving obey the law....

May 20, 2019

"Indeed you're gonna have to serve somebody, well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody" - Bob Dillon 

In Romans 6:15-23 Paul lays out the basic principal that Jesus has set us free from slavery to sin and made us slaves to God and his righteousness. To be a servant or slave...

May 13, 2019

How do we live the Christian life once we are saved? How do we now relate to sin and the old life we lived before Christ? Romans 6 answers a common question about the gospel: If when sin abounds, grace abounds all the more, does that mean we should keep on sinning? In this chapter Paul not only answers this question...

May 6, 2019

Our choices matter, but they aren't the most important thing about us. The story of redemption can be summarized as a story of two men. The first Adam, who through his choice brought sin and death, and the second Adam, Jesus, who through his choice brought grace and life. In Romans 5:12-21 Paul contrasts these two...